Terrazole® L or WP effective on pythium


Whether growers or golf course superintendents use the Liquid or Wettable Powder formulation of Terrazole®, they can count on one constant – effective pythium control.


We launched Terrazole L last summer to complement the existing WP product.


It proved to be fortuitous as growers and superintendents experienced one of the worst pythium seasons on record.


Terrazole L and Terrazole WP are curative on stubborn cases of pythium and are effective on mefenoxam-resistant strains as well.


Greenhouse and nursery rates range from 2.5 to 7 fl. oz. per 100 gal. of water. Golf course rates are 1.5 to 3 fl. oz. in 2 to 5 gal. of water applied to 1,000 sq. ft.


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